RE>E30 OBC retrofit
Subject: RE>E30 OBC retrofit
From: Richard Cartiledge <[email protected]>
Date: 14 Aug 96 16:46:24 +0000
RE>E30 OBC retrofit 14/8/9=
>Noticed your post to the U.S. Digest concerning your OBC retrofit into a=
>1986 525i. My heart almost skipped a beat, the possibility thrilled me =
***NB This information is based soley on experience with a 525i E28.***
>Is there any chance that you have a record of the part numbers necessary=
to complete the upgrade? =20
Sorry, I used second hand parts from a bent 520i.
>Did you obtain the parts new or used?
Used, I probably wouldn't have known where the bits go with new parts! Ev=
en so it cost =A3250 sterling all in.
>Can you briefly describe the multiway cable necessary to connect the upg=
raded keypad to the OBC control unit?=20
The cable is a 50ish-50ish way cable with special connectors, one end goe=
s to the obc contol unit (brain)(which you need to get) and the display/k=
eypad (user interface)(which you also need!)
A second 50ish-50ish way cable with special connectors goes to the spare =
socket yellow? on the back of my instrument cluster to feed some of the i=
nformation to the computer.
>Finally, do the trip functions (mileage, estimated distance, ignition sh=
ut off via code,etc.) work as you expected them too?
They all work fine, except I needed a coding plug for the 525i as yhe 520=
i one gave me the wrong answers!
I didn't bother with the steering column stalk control.
You also need a horn for the CODE alarm and a gong for audible warnings t=
hese are more difficult to wire into the OBC spare flyleeds.
If you get a dead OBC there is a fuse in the control unit which blows wit=
h age.
1986 525i SE 127,000 miles Zinoberot /Anthracite *BMW for the fortuante f=