
bmw-digest V5 #105

   > From: Deepak Munjal <[email protected]>
   > Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 10:05:16 -0700
   > Subject: A/C Problem on 94 E34
   > During this last heat wave in the SF Bay Area, my A/C decided to go
   > out on me.  This is the third time this has happened and the previous
   > two times, the A/C was simply recharged.  This time, however, I wasn't
   > going to walk away from the dealer with a simple recharge only to have
   > it happen again in a few months.  The dealer did some poking and discovere
   > a leaking condenser and a new one was ordered promptly.  My question is
   > what is the difference between a condenser and a compressor?

The difference between the compressor and condensor is this. The
compressor compresses (hence the name) the freon or CFC free coolant
used to cool the car . When it absorbs the heat from the air, it ends up
as a gas instead of a liquid. It is then sent through the condensor to
cool it off enough to turn in back to a liquid.
- ---
 * SPEED 2.00 #2708 * If Vince Foster had had a gun, he'd be alive today.