
<02> re: Dash turn signal light on 02

I too suffered (er, the 1600ti did) from this malady.  The cure?  Replacing
the fuse for the turn signal.  Seems that the exposed aluminum fuse material
has a natural tendency to oxidize slowly over time.  Especially when you
feed it electrical current.  The current warms the metal, the under hood
environment is also warm, throw in the ambient humidity, and voila, you have
an opportunity for uniform oxidation to occur.  Which results in increased
resistance, which somehow upsets the cosmic balance of the RC circuit that
the turn signal bulb, relay, and indicator lamp comprise.

I replace mine about twice a year as a pm (preventative maintenance).  This
solution has worked for me.  YMMV.


>From: Leif Anders <[email protected]>
>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 10:26:14 -0700
>Subject: Dash turn signal light on 02
>Dear Friends,
>I am perplexed by a problem with my Turn signal enunciator on the =
>instrument  cluster.  I have replaced the bulb and renewed the relay, =
>and yet the turn signal reminder lamp in the cluster will flash only =
>once or twice maybe 5 times then quit.  Meanwhile, the turn signals =
>continue to flash as they should.
>It was suggested that I check the ground and if that's okay renew the =
>Turn signal lever.
>The ground wire from the cluster that effects the fuel gauge, does not =
>effect the turn signal..so I am not sure where the turn indicator lamp =
>finds it's ground. =20
>Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
>Leif Anders
>Voiceworks, Valencia  CA
>[email protected]

Kim & Mike Hood-Douda	Raindance Farm  "Goats & BMWs...living
[email protected]	Lacomb, Oregon   in harmony!"