<02> running hot
Subject: <02> running hot
From: [email protected] (Steve Sandlin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 15:46:46 -0500
My first post (would cost me a case of beer in skydiving circles) so please
be tollerant. I now own my first BMW (another case of beer), a
hand-me-down, '74 2002, stock except for the 32/36 Weber. What a FUN
buggy!...oops, I mean...what a FINE automobile! Only problem is that it
runs way hot. Within a gauge-needle's width of the red, or barely in the
white, after 15 minutes of driving.
A little history:
The car has lived is Colorado Springs for the past 20 years
Now lives at sea level in Mobile, Ala.
Here's what I've done and it has helped very little:
Diluted the straight anti-freeze to 50%
Rejetted the carb to Weber stock recommendations
Wired the AC condensor fan to run all the time
Opened the crushed tail pipe
Turned on the defroster and temp control to hot (not fun in 95 degree heat)
When I diluted the coolant, I noticed that the radiator innards (at least
the part I could see through the filler port) were clean, no corrosion or
build-up at all. Rejetting the carb has changed the look of the spark plugs
from bright crusty white to a probably-still-a-bit-lean pale brown.
Here's my list of questions:
Is anyone on the digest running a 32/36 equipped 02 in heat at sea level and
if so, how does yours run (heatwise), how is it jetted and what plugs do you
Could the radiator need rodding even if the top of the tubes look good?
Will the '84 318i radiator advertised on the digest fit the 02 and might it
Would this problem be the result of a lifetime of straight anti-freeze (the
kind with phosphates)?
Te'yer mommern'em Steve sez 'Hey.'