
Stated Value Insurance- The Final Chapter :(

Hello to all list readers, for those of you who haven't been following the
story,  please reference the November 95' issue of The Roundel; End Piece:
Bill Howard , "Stated Value Ha!".

As I promised in my last posting back in May (when I unsubscribed), here it
is, the final chapter in the story of my 14 month battle with the insurance
company, over the death of my 323i.

Plain and simple.

I got screwed............................... :(

The laywers were the only ones who profited from the gains.

Because I'm no longer a list reader, I feel it wouldn't be fair of me to
eat up Richards bandwith with all the gory details. So for all of you soap
opera fans, I'll make the unabridged version available via private e-mail.

I did however, receive the remains of my old friend, delivered back to me
yesterday, after sitting in a salvage pool since June of 1995.

Does anyone need parts for an E21 bodied
323i?......................(shameless plug)

Everything forward of the rear quarters is still intact. I'd prefer to sell
it whole, to someone intending to convert a 320i into a 323i, but the
chances of that are slim.
I will sell the wheels right away, I still have the set of snows to put on,
that I couldn't sell last winter! I also have that incredibly rare armrest
center console......going fast.......hurry on this one!

For those interested parties, you can see photos of it, both before and
after, in various areas on my web site........
The URL's are;
http://www.tiac.net/users/zappa/BMW/323i.html   (before photos)
http://www.tiac.net/users/zappa/tow/roadkill.html (after photo/bottom of page)

I'll leave you all with this bit of advice. Don't waste your money on a
stated value policy. It isn't worth the paper it's written on, it's a
secret cash cow for the insurance companies. Through a loophole in the
insurance laws, it allows them to screw you twice! First on the premium,
then on a claim.

Scott Kominik
Boston Chapter #68420
[email protected]
1990 Thunderbird  (Brothers old car, looks a little like a 6 from the side!
But it did come with Hakkapalitas, see you at Newfound Lake next winter)