
<E36> Cleaning Side Moldings

- -- [ From: Craig D. Smith * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

Chad wrote:

> What are your favorite methods/products for cleaning the wax/polish
> residue  (white) off the side moldings (black)?  (Since the rest of
> car is  black, too, the molding looks pretty bad...)

Chad, I (and most others) have had this problem.   Someone earlier has
recommended a Meglair's #99 vinyl cleaner.  I'd like to try it, but
haven't been able to find it yet.   One product that was recommended
that did *NOT* work was 409 cleaner.   So far, the best thing I've
found is ArmorAll "Clean-Start".   It comes in a spray bottle.   I put
some into a small container and then apply it with a toothbrush and
wipe it off with a cloth.  Its fairly effective in removing the white
residue.   Others have suggested that some types of wax leave less
residue - Zymol - but I haven't tried this yet.

Hope this helps

Craig - 95 325i - Boston Green with BLACK side-moldings!