ABS folklore
My favourite story to back up the effectiveness of ABS
concerns the Porsche Cup racers. To promote the new
944 Turbo Porsche organised Cup races with everyone
driving identical 944 Turbos. Now while not being top
line professionals the drivers were pretty good and the
majority said they wouldn't use the ABS as it wasn't as
good as a decent driver. By mid-season all were using
ABS as it allowed them to brake deeper into the corner
than without.
I'm convinced ABS is the best advance in cars for some
time even though I recognise it's mainly a security
blanket. I used non-ABS cars for years without problems
including an X1/9 that required forward planning in the
wet as the front wheels didn't have a lot of weight over
them. Even so I would never buy another car without as
I feel happier knowing ABS will be working in those first
few seconds while my brain goes from cruise mode to
remembering cadence braking.