
BOUNCE bmw: Admin request

>>Get this-
>>National wheelchair sports fund, Inc. is raffling(sp) a Z3 100.00 per
>>chance only 1000 tickets will be sold so odds are 1 in 1000. The phone # is
>>US 1-407-655-4930. 
>>The flyer I got in todays mail says winner will have choice of
>>color,trans,interior,obc, etc.
>>No affiliation Blah Blah Blah
>>Good luck and if you win can I drive it?
>>Not enough loot for a ticket let alone the taxes
>[email protected]
>the unofficial SCCA Web Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/scca/
>the Race Track Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/tracks/
>the NESCCA Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/NESCCA/