
Re: bmw-digest V5 #28

i'm catching up on stuff that happened while i was at my reunion
last week...

From: [email protected]

*     Now that the digest has a web site for such things as FAQ's and
*help with Majordomo etc, it would seem a likely place for those odd
*items that would be useful to whoever needs them. Things that come to
*mind are such things as tire formulas in a spreadsheet, any indexing
*by topic or whatever of digest postings, Roundel indexes or other
*useful formula or spreadsheets.

*Richard would these things be useful and how can we get them to you??

most of this stuff could be very useful.  note that some stuff
already exists, although it may take a little work to find them;
for example, there is a handy little program named tire-size.c
that you can find by going to the rec.autos.* FAQ
(http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/FAQ/) and looking at the old Rec.autos
archive directory -- but you would have to know to go look there. it
needs to be better organized, but as i've said to others, right now i
have a backlog that scares small children, and my top priority is to
finish my bid for the official SCCA web page, which is due on August
15th, and which is going to be fairly complex.

stuff in plain text can be emailed to me at [email protected], of
course, although right now keep in mind that i'm clearing a rather huge
backlog and won't be handling stuff very quickly.

decently organized web documents can always be dropped directly into
place, of course; text documents can be deposited in the ftp directory
and then linked to from the web page (which is how i did the plaintext
FAQ stuff in the digest home page.)

- -- 
		           Not Insane! in '96
                  George Leroy Tirebiter for President
                         One Organism: One Vote