
Re: <tires> A509s (was mail order tires)

From: Hood-Douda <[email protected]>

*We have A509s in the 196/60-14 size on our '69 1600ti.  I recently had
*the opportunity to test them in the wet at SIR.  I would not classify
*them as a good wet traction tire, and would even say that they are down
* right scary!

i'm a bit suprised by this; i have run A509s in the exact same size on a
sedan (not a bmw) and was generally very pleased with their wet and dry
performance; pleased enough that when i went to replace them, i bought
more of the same.

- -- 
		           Not Insane! in '96
                  George Leroy Tirebiter for President
                         One Organism: One Vote