
Fwd: E36 93-94 Amplifier - Apology

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Forwarded message:
From:	[email protected] (richard welty)
To:	[email protected]
Date: 96-07-31 00:11:31 EDT

unfortunately, your retransmission went to the wrong address.  the correct
address is

[email protected]

please resubmit at your convenience.


>X-POP3-Rcpt: rwelty@wizvax
>Return-Path: [email protected]
>From: [email protected]
>Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 21:14:46 -0400
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: E36 93-94 Amplifier - Apology
>I apologize for my previous message in all capital letters.
>I am resending the message in the proper manner.  Thanks for the feedback.
>honestly did not know about the meaning of all capital letters:
>Does anyone have the full specifications (peak power, RMS power, frequency
>response, etc., etc.) for the amplifier that is installed in the E36 1993
>1994 units?
>I am also interested in knowing about the crossovers that are built-in the
>amp unit.  Are there crossovers for the front only or also the rear
> I noticed that there is a capacitor connected to the large lead of the
>tweeter in the rear speakers.  The.large lead must be the positive?? Please
>confirm.  As you can see, I am trying to get more info on the
>amplifier....Thanks in advance for any info that you may have.
- -- 
[email protected]
the unofficial SCCA Web Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/scca/
the Race Track Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/tracks/
the NESCCA Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/NESCCA/