Z8 coupe in Roundel
Subject: Z8 coupe in Roundel
From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 96 14:46:32 EDT
The latest Roundel has a blurb on the Z8. First, the target price is well over
$100K, so any of you Netscape employees in the digest, please post your review
when you get your car. They want to sell 1000 per year. It had better be
REAL GOOD if they want to meet that target year after year. In a way,
I'm dissapointed because I was hoping that they might offer a step up from
the current M3 (i.e, a two door coupe in the 50-60K range with a V8) but
it seems as if that is not the case. The article said they expect to lose
money on every car. This I do not understand. If Ferrari can make money
on the 355, why can't BMW make money on the Z8 if its in the same price
range? I think this is baloney....