
Re: Do I have a real one or what?

[email protected] (Christopher A. Pawlowicz) writes:

 > Get what you can afford : 320i's are *cheap* and can be so much
 > fun. Easy to work on, parts are cheap, just amazing little cars.
 > Don't get pushed into more than you need. Sure, 325's are faster.. but

	I was told (by two dealers) that parts for the 320's are hard
to find.  If there are lots of non-dealer suppliers, then I think I
will go with a 320.  I figure I buy it now (easy to afford) and drive
it and see if I really like this on-road stuff, plus learn how to
fix 'em.  Then, maybe I'll trade it in on a "better" one when I'm tired
of the 320.
	Anyone know of where I should start looking for my 320?  The
paper has lots of really crappy ones that have zillions of miles and
show no signs of maintance.

- ---
    /\      Kelly Alexander       Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
 /\/  \     [email protected]                 719-593-9445
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