
<misc> re: Confusion of BMW vs. Nissan.

Joshua wrote:-

>I seem to have posted the message about BMW vs. Nissan rather poorly.  I
>have the BMW, Zak Nilsson has the Nissan.  I KNOW BMW's can out handle and
>out perform Nissans, I mean after all, they're Japanese.  Sorry for the

Ooops! I don't think so! What about the Nissan GTR? But then my perception
of "performance" and "handling" maybe different from yours. Having said that,
is it not pointless to compare cars that are targeted at different market 
sectors? You would be better to compare a model with model rather than 
generalise by manufacturer.

And while I'm here, what does "I mean after all, they're Japanese." supposed
to tell us? Do you consider all thing Japanese inferior?

I love my BMWs, but I respect and desire many other cars.

- --
Paul Marshall                                  Phone : +1 (214) 997 5954
Texas Instruments                              FAX   : +1 (214) 997 3428
EC II                                          email : [email protected]
Dallas, Texas                                  msgid : KILT