
Wear out Engine mileage on BMW's

I pose this question to the cognoscenti....... (Jerry Stalh  et al)

If a 6 cylinder BMW engine is maintained to at the least the minimum
recommended lubrication/maintenance requirement every 7500-10000 
miles, and driven reasonably ...... (assuming there are no mechanical
accidents i.e overheating, using good quality SG-SH oil and 
NO SLICK 50 bs......)
What would be the hypothetical wear out mileage*?

(*efficient combustion and operation no longer reliable, out of tolerance,
 excessive leaking from crankshaft oil seals etc, or other operational  

Does anyone know what is the factory considers to be upper mileage limit 
of a 6 cylinder 2.5liter-3.5liter engine ? 

Do the new all aluminium engines compare with the old iron blocks?
I read some where that MBZ uses 140000km as their out of tolerance 
specification on their all aluminium v8.


Henri Baccouche