tii trivia
Does anyone know when the Kugelfischer pump was first used
on a BMW? It seems like I read about this somewhere before,
but the answer escapes me at the moment. The reason I ask
is that almost all of my engine parts are stamped "72" (for
the 1973 model year build), but the fuel injection belt
dust covers are both stamped "69" (for 1969). I thought that
the euro tii started in the 1971 model year and the US-spec
tii's were built for the 1972-74 model year. Was there
something like a 1970 2000tii, or was the factory just
getting an early start on production of parts for building
the '71 tii in 1970? (Or maybe I have a really rare prototype
dust cover. Phil, want to trade me one of your coveted "turbo"
emblems for it? ;-)
Thanks in advance,
- -- Fred Beck /// '73 tii /// Boston, MA