What makes BMW special
Subject: What makes BMW special
From: "John G.Burns" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 15:50:57 BST
In my humble opinion there is no ONE thing that makes BMWs special.
Take my 318iS, many cars have more powerful engines or more gizzmos.
Most cars are less expensive, though maybe not as durable.
BMWs are a good balance of all the things which make a car enjoyable,
I seem to remember the brochures use a German word for this. I love
the handling and self assurance of the car but overall it is just a
very good "package". The BMW name itself contributes to the package
but I wouldn't like to thnk I was a BMW snob (no honestly).
It is good to look around and see how many old BMWs are still on the
road. Compare this to average life of a euro-Ford or Japanese car and
I think you'll be very surprised. I can think of several 20 year old
E21s still in daily use, quite something given our harsh Scottish
weather. Only VW, Audi, Volvo and Saab seem as well made.
I'm on my third BMW and look forward to many more, I'm in no rush to
sell my current one though :-)
- --
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your
mouth in a meeting with the users and prove it." (Ancient programming proverb)
NB: As I am a gibberring idiot any views expressed here are NOT the views
of Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd. [email protected], Aberdeen, Bonny Scotland