
Smooth-shifting 2002


I'm a new subscriber to this list.  For the two weeks or so that I've
been lurking, I've been impressed by the quality of the posts.  I hope
that some of you may have an idea concerning a potential problem with
my new baby, a just-bought '74 2002!

The problem happens most of the time when I'm shifting from second to
third.  As I'm engaging the clutch in third, I can hear a klunk noise
from somewhere along the drive train.  I can also feel a slight jolt
in the shift lever at the same time.

Similarly, if I'm cruising along in third, and I alternately
disengage/engage the clutch, I get the klunk each time as the clutch
engages.  It does not seem to happen if I alternately
accelerate/decelerate while keeping the transmission in third.

Once, when trying to reverse out of a spot, I was letting out the
clutch and nothing happened for a second or so (past the point where I
was used to the clutch engaging).  All of a sudden, there was a big
klunk, and the car jolted into movement.  I'm not sure if this is
related to the other problem.

I thought there might be some play somewhere in the rear end, but when
I took it to a mechanic, he didn't see any.  He drove the car, but, of
course, it didn't seem to be klunking at that time.  Could there be a
problem in the transmission itself?  What can I look for?

Sometimes, but not as frequently, it happens when shifting from first
to second and from third to fourth, too.

Thanks for helping a 2002 newbie.

Dan O'Shea

[email protected]