
Re: bmw-digest V5 #4

>From: [email protected]
>Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 13:43:33 -0400
>Subject: l/100KM vs MPG
>Hi All;
>Perhaps one of our resident mathematical wizards (Blazey, Childers, Shaffer) 
>can figure out how to convert liters per 100 KiloMeters to Mile Per Gallon.
Let's say you are getting 15 l / 100 km.

15 liters = 3.94  gallons  (15/3.8)
100 km    = 61.72 miles    (100/1.62)

That means that you are getting 61.72 miles per 3.94 gallons
Now divide both sides with 3.94 to see how many miles for one gallon.

61.72/3.94 = 15.66

Therefore you are getting 15 MPG, just a coincidence that it is so close.

Let's try another one.

25 l / 100 km - a guzzler
25 l   = 6.57 gallons
100 km = 61.72 miles
61.72 / 6.57 = 9.39 MPG

8 l / 100 km - a real economy car
8 l / 3.8 = 2.1 gallons
100 km = 61.72 miles
61.72 / 2.1 = 29.39 MPG

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Dushan R. Divjak