
Re: bmw-digest V5 #14 (ODOMETER TAMPERING)


While I was looking for a used BMW, I was told my one dealer that
they can access the number of times the car has been started from
the computer and deduce from that a rough estimate of how many 
miles the car should have on it. For example of the odometer shows 
20000 miles but the car has been started 5000 times, something could 
be wrong.  I am not sure this information is accurate but it is what 
I was told. A friend of mine who buys cars at auctions on a fairly 
regular basis said to STAY AWAY from a car which has unknown mileage,
(TMU) i.e. odometer set back to 0 due to service or repairs, etc. 
because it can severely affect the value of the car. 

Hope this helps.

Kim Watters

> From: Rodd Sidney <[email protected]>
> Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 14:58:48 -0700
> Our Company was approached last year by some guys in Germany who had
> apparently devised some means of altering the "TRUE" Speedo readings on
> Electronic BMW Speedos. We flatly told him we were NOT interested in such
> unethical & HIGHLY ILLEGAL practices. I believe such blatant illegality has
> no place on this forum.
> For any of you unsuspecting  buyers of cars you feel have been tampered
> with, there are ways of determining whether or not the car being represented
> to you is showing the correct or "TRUE" odometer reading. 1. Check back with
> the DMV Dept of Motor Vehicles in the state where you are or where the car
> is from. Use the VIN # from the car or title paperwork. 2. Go to a BMW
> dealer & have them enter the VIN # into their repair system to see when the
> car last showed in for warranty or repairs. 3. Also from DMV get a vehicle
> history & track down previous owners to check odometer discrepancy.4. If you
> still suspect a "SNAKE" & cannot prove it ---- Follow your gut feeling &
> "PASS" on the car. If it's "Too Good To Br True" it probably is. CAVEAT
> EMPTOR !!! To all of you "WISE-GUYS" who think it might be "CUTE" to "spin"
> the speedo whether High-tech LapTop style or the old fashioned way with a
> drill-bit.........BETTER THINK TWICE........IT'S A
> FELONY........AND..........A BIG FINE..........& A FEDERAL OFFENSE. Don't
> even be tempted....How would you like to get "Stuck" with a BMW that's been
> "SPUN"
> - --------------------------------------------------------
> Rodd Sidney                BMW Dealer Marketing Web Page
> [email protected]        http://www.dzn.com/global/bmw.htm