
VERY sophisticated audience

Date: 1996-07-22 12:53                                                          

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>>Despite the occasional "what color M3 should daddy buy me" posts, this is     
>>a VERY sophisticated audience.  We can distinguish quality from fluff.        
>>Many of us are engineers and understand this VERY well. Unscrupulous Parts    
>>Pushers BEWARE - we've got your number! 8^)                                   

I am relatively new to the digest. Since buying my first BMW ('83 528e          
191k)a few months ago, and                                                      
trying to restore it to it's original charm,  I have found this digest to be    
a fantastic source of information.                                              

I am not an engineer, just a hard working blue collar type which shares his     
enthusiam with others who                                                       
own the 'Ultimate Driving Machine'.  I am not as knowedgable as some            
Engineers, but some questions                                                   
may be dumb to some but not dumb to others like me !!!!                         

Had to vent........                                                             
Mike ....  Maybe soon to unsuscribe ....