Commercials, Public flames- YES YES YES!
Subject: Commercials, Public flames- YES YES YES!
From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 20:11:58 -0400
I just can't keep lurking quietly while all this goes on; it's too serious &
I vote to KEEP COMMERCIAL POSTS on the list-
Pretty soon people will want to separate everything; how about a separate
area for wanting to buy cars, oil properties, or upgrading stereos? Keep
them all together, for better or for worse. This is an open, unmoderated (I
think?) forum for topics related to BMWs. Let's keep it that way. Hopefully
I am not alone in feeling that I am not obligated to read ALL my email. Of
course all personal stuff gets my attention, but all digests and lists- of
course not. I go through the contents, if nothing warm & giggly appeals to
me, I skip the whole thing; if I miss something important, it's my loss and I
will live with it! If I do go through the list, I still only read selected
posts, depending on the topic, the author, or the first few lines. If I am
offended by a topic (more on this later) or am bored by it, I don't read it-
simple. Many of us get cable TV; do we HAVE to watch every channel all day,
every day? (Do we have to, not do we want to.) On the Autocross digest, they
list the author next to the subject in the contents; I would humbly suggest
this be incorporated into ours, this BMW Digest.
On requesting flames be on personal email only-
Hey if two people want to air their dirty BMW related laundry in front of us,
we should be grateful; it's free entertainment. If you don't like it, see
above. I thought the dialogue between Street Machine Bob and Quick M1 on
those big buck wheels was great! My interest started because I have bought
two sets of those wheels from separate private parties at a lower price. It
did get dicey when the attacks got personal, but that is their business.
Chances are, any personal attack made between digestors is silly. How can I
make (or receive) a credible personal attack (or praise) on someone I have
never met, spoken to, or seriously researched about. With the exception of
maybe four dozen of you, I don't know the people reading this or writing to
me vis-a-vis this forum. Materially, these flame wars should not be taken
seriously by spectators; if anything, it's only a reflection on the caliber
of contributors. Let's not rely on a rule to raise this caliber, let's do it
on our own because it characterizes us as better people. In other words:
lighten up.
Replies and flames to this may be read. Maybe not. I however will unlikely
respond; those who agree with me- feel free to step in on my behalf.
Besides, what could possible be written that would be of any value- I have
already wasted more than a reasonable amount of space on a topic that
shouldn't even be a topic.
year/car/modifications- unimportant to this topic (note: no silly asci logo)
P.S. If I have offended any of you- you just don't get it, and I feel sad for
you- and that's not a joke. (P.C. = B.S.)