Commercial Posts
Subject: Commercial Posts
From: Michael Stoneman <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 23:18:14 -0400 (EDT)
Put my vote in for limiting (eliminating is even better) commercial posts
from vendors hawking their goods. I've known Phil for more years than he or
I would like to admit to, and I've always respected his business philosophy
and envied his BMW product knowledge. I wholeheartedly agree with him ---
Let's keep the digest dialogue and content non-commercial. If vendors want
us as potential customers, then they can point us to their home pages.
Isn't that what the Web is for? I'm one of those people who does not like
to be "sold to". I prefer first to become informed about different products
and services and the digest certainly helps in this regard. With this
knowledge and education I can then make my own personal decision who I
choose to do business with. These commercial concerns have to earn my
So let's keep the information and product evaluations coming, and vendors
please focus your attention to your home page. If you got something good to
offer us, point us there. I'm sure we will patronize those of you who
provide consistent good products and excellent service!
Michael Stoneman,