
bmw digest home page

i started putting together a home page for the digest; a spot where digest
readers will be able to cruise in and remind themselves of procedures,
policies, and be able to peruse the archives.  i'll also want to provide a
links section, classifieds section, and some procedure for commercial ads so
that there will be an outlet for that particular need.

for links, well, i've pretty much lost track of everything.  would the
maintainers of various pages please let me know where their pages are, and
what their status is (official bmw page, official page of aftermarket
supplier, official page of bmw related club, or just somebody's decent
unofficial but interesting bmw page.)

the initial cut at a bmw-digest home page is at


there are minimal graphics (silly light blue lines) and i've not got the
advertising logo for wizvax in yet; there will be a modest and inoffensive
advertising banner at the top shortly, to get a little income in the
pipeline while i'm waiting on other things.

we'll get there.

- -- 
[email protected]
the unofficial SCCA Web Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/scca/
the Race Track Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/tracks/
the NESCCA Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/NESCCA/