
l/100KM vs MPG

Hi All;

Perhaps one of our resident mathematical wizards (Blazey, Childers, Shaffer) 
can figure out how to convert liters per 100 KiloMeters to Mile Per Gallon.

My Euro 745 uses l/100KM instead of MPG, and I have wracked my brain trying 
to do this conversion.  My OBC says 21.3, when I try to convert it I come up
with 11.04, or 27.99 (I wish) depending on what formula I use.  My actual
experienced mileage is 18.8 (leadfoot).  

According to the Owners Manual, 10.4 = 27.2 MPG, 16.6 = 17MPG etc., but I 
can't seem to come up with a formula that even converts these correctly!
 Story problems never were my forte!
Any Ideas?

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