
commercial post

from:[email protected]
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 96 12:40:05 EDT
Subject: <MISC> NO!! to Commercial Ads

I am in total agreement with Phil's remarks about commercial ads in 
the Digest. If these individuals want to contribute by providing
product/technical information in specific response to a question....
that's fine (which is what Steve @ Parts Coop does). But lets not
have vendors  posting "specials" or promoting their inventory of
genuine BMW injection  components as a fix to somebodies "rough idle"
or "fuel delivery problems"
I do have an aversion to promoting diagnosis by parts replacement
instead of  solid technical diagnostic procedures.

The place for commercial vendor ads is their WWW homepage, to which
they can post a reference in the BMW FAQ that lists BMW Parts &
Accessories  sources.

Am I the only one with a PAGE DOWN key on my keyboard.  Come on, if
you dont like a post, SKIP IT!!!!!!!!!