
RE: Commercial Posts

Phil Marx wrote:
 > If the majority of the Digesters find this type of post useful, ie.
 > used wheels at "hot" prices, then I'll post my inventory as well.  
 > If those opposed to such behavior, as am I, will write in and 
 > expess their opinions, maybe we can get back to true personal for 
 > sale ads and informative postings without the commercial overtones.
I agree with you that people should not take advantage of the list for purely 
commercial reasons.  OTOH, sometimes I think there can be a dual 
public-service/commercial reason for posts by vendors.  For example, I'd like 
to buy a real factory (mechanical) tech manual for my E34, but I understand 
they are NLA.  If a vendor were to somehow come by a supply of them, and note 
it on the digest, I'd be delighted to find out, and would consider it partly 
a public-service-interest-type post.  Since I didn't know if the used-wheel 
posts met that criterion (I assume you _do_ know), I didn't want to comment at 
the time.
On another note, I stopped in to visit my folks in Waynesboro last week after 
my wife and kids and I were forced to leave the NC shore prematurely by 
Bertha.  I'd have liked to come by, see your machines, and say hello, but the 
schedule didn't allow.  Maybe next time.
 Best regards,
 Arlington, TX (18-Jul-96, 20:06)
 '95 540i-6 spd