
Commercial Postings

Well by the looks of the informal survey... the members of the digest do not
want items posted for sale of a commercial nature. Accordingly so as not to
P/O the cognoscenti of the list we will never again post items for sale. We
do think it a GREAT IDEA that the subscriber list to the digest be made
available to be able to offer $$$$$ SAVING OFFERS RE: BMW parts. So Richard,
whats the protocol for procuring the named list for commercial purposes? We
have served many 100's of you digesters and have saved you $1000's of $$$$
buying BMW parts at tremendous savings.

 We just purchased the entire inventory of another supplier who had 23 skids
full of 2002 3.0CS 2800Cs etc NLA sheet metal(Hoods,Doors,Fenders,1/4 Panels
& chrome bumpers etc A full 42' 18 wheeler full of STUFF! I'm sure there are
many of you who'd like the chance to save $$$ on this stuff.

Guess the BEST way to keep in touch with all of you would be for all of you
to visit our 15 page BMW WEB SITE listed below. We've got Tech Tips, Monthly
& weekly specials, FREE GIFTS, lotsa good stuff. So let the debate go on we
won't get into a pissing contest RE: this. Our now over 2000 customer base
knows who to call to save $$$$ over the BMP's BAVARIANS, BEKKERS of the
world etc. It's called LOW OVERHEAD. Try us, you'll like our way of helping
you save $$$$$$.

Sincerely yours, Rodd Sidney the owner of DEALER MARKETING Associates. We
are NOT Affiliated with BMW or ANY of its Dealers. We simply provide the
same parts for MUCH LESS $$$$$$. Simple Philosopy. Have a great day !!! 
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Rodd Sidney                BMW Dealer Marketing Web Page
[email protected]        http://www.dzn.com/global/bmw.htm