irregular 320i idle
Subject: irregular 320i idle
From: Michael Christofas <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 18:22:25 -0500 (EST)
I just picked up 80' 320is from the original owner. It's really clean (
I've got nothing but comliments so far, and even my own brother, mister
american, really likes it!) Anyway I've done over all the engine maint.
It has the lamda system with the ecu. My questions are:
1. When the engine is totally warm the idle raises up and down.
If i bring up the R's to say 2500 It still deviates??? I sus
pect the ecu? My ques is can I Use a fuel distributor say from
VW cis, or disconnect the push valve and readjust the CO?, or
Where and how much is the ecu???
2. I also have the hard shifting others experince on the net.
nobody seems to give there formula for cold weather. The owners
manual say hd motor oil can be used in cold climates. I used 30w
I helps a litle. Any body have a tried and true formula???
Any help will be greatly appreciated....
MIke chistofas
([email protected])
Originaly a VW lover
Now have been bitten
by a new Bug...(BMW)