
Re: cruise problem...

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> From: "Joseph D. Mazza" <[email protected]>
> Date: Fri,  6 Jan 1995 11:21:39 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: Re: intermittent cruise control
> Here's one for you.  I had the dealer install factory cruise on our '88
> 325.  Most of the time it works as advertised.  Sometimes, though, it
> will not engage at all.  The only way to get working again is to stop
> the car, turn the engine off, then restart it and PRESTO! the cruise
> control is fully operational again.  Works every time.  I can't figure
> out why it stops working in the first place or why restarting "cures"
> it.  Doesn't happen very often, but often enough to be annoying.
> Anyone have any ideas?  The dealer never could duplicate it (of course).
> - -----Joe

The CC on my '84 318i reliably does this whenever I disengage it by hitting 
the clutch pedal.  If I use the CC lever or brake pedal it is fine.  I've 
just learned not to use the clutch while the CC is engaged.  I'll have to 
check to see if our '86 325es does this as well.

'84 318i 221k
'86 325es 90k
- -- 

                       |           Dale Beuning           |
                       |  email: [email protected]  |