
European car rentals

In response to the thread of how to rent a good car in Europe for 2-3 
months (started by Roy Kao):
For such a long period of time, you ought to seriously consider (a) 
leasing or (b) a purchase-repurchase deal where the car manufacturer 
guarantees to buy your car back at the end. There are substantial price 
savings. I have done the purchase-repurchase with Renault in Paris for 5 
weeks & came out way ahead, plus the general comfort of getting a new 
car. Why would a manufacturer do this? It has something to do with 
differential taxes in Europe for new & used cars. Roy, as you live in 
Toronto, you might contact Europcar to talk about leasing.
One thing to remember is that European cars seem to run better than in 
the US -- model for model. Different smog equipment, I believe. This 
means that you can be quite happy with a lower-end car. For example, I 
ran a Renault 19TS (maybe wrong #) in France & it was great, but the same 
car when sold as an AMC/Renault Alliance was a dog in North America.

My usual ageist caution -- I haven't done these kinds of things in 10 
years, so the situation may have changed.

But one warning to North AMericans who haven't done much spirited Euro 
driving holds. Roads are narrower in countryside & streets & they twist 
more. Therefore, small & nimble is an advantage over a freeway cruiser. 
IMHO, even a "5'er" is too big off-freeway.


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Barry Wellman           [email protected]            8-)