Oil Vacuum Cleaners & BMWs
Subject: Oil Vacuum Cleaners & BMWs
From: [email protected] (John Firestone)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 14:33:57 +0100 (MET)
Along with perhaps the neatest and most accurate system for checking
and adjusting tire pressure on the planet, German gas stations have a
special self-service vacuum cleaner "SB-Staubsauger" that eliminates
much of the mess of changing the oil. (Perhaps American gas stations
do too, but until recently I was too poor to consider the idea. :-)
This device has a long thin anteater-like hose you stick down the
dipstick pipe which then sucks out the old oil from the crankcase.
I used one to slurp the oil from my 93 318i (E36 body, old M40 engine)
and was able to remove the specified 4 liters of oil. I was wondering
however: Do these vacuum cleaners do a good job removing the old oil?
Would a stiff tube stuck down the dipstick pipe get close enough to
the bottom of the oil pan?
- -John
- --
John Firestone, Alfred Wegener Institut [email protected]
fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung +49 (471) 4831 174
Postfach 120161, D-27515 Bremerhaven .. ... .... 149 (fax)
"... There is always a well-known solution to
every human problem - neat, plausible and wrong."
- H.L. Mencken, The Divine Afflatus