
Extended warranty useful?

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Unlike you lucky Americans, we Europeans only get a one year guarantee
with our bimmers. Mine expires at the end of January, however there is
an extension programme available. It costs approx US$600 for two years

Does anyone think this would be useful to have on a 318iS? I'm a member
of the swiss automobile club (TCS) which has a service that does a
complete inspection of a car just before its guarantee expires so that
the owner can go to the dealer with details of what needs done, and I
will undoubtedly take advantage of that service. However, they can't
necessarily find things that will be likely to go wrong in, say, 18

Anyone with actuarial experience out there like to hazard a guess on
the value of the guarantee (it is a factory extension from BMW, by
the way, and not a dealer guarantee).

- -Afzal