
For Sale:92 735i

My boss wants to "sell" his car:

1992 735i
23k miles
Champagne Beige/Natur Leather
Dealer Maintained - Excellent Condition
CD player
Voice activated phone

Assume lease or purchase $36k

Contact Rick at 415 857-2448

Les Thomas               e-mail:  [email protected]
Hewlett-Packard            mail:  3495 Deer Creek Road
Asia Pacific I.T.                 Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: (415) 857-5575       fax:  (415) 857-6846

Question:  How many Microsoft engineers does it take to 
           change a light bulb?

Answer:  None - Bill Gates will just redefine DARKNESS
	 as the new industry standard.

...taken from Wired Magazine...