MSD and 02 Gas fumes disappearing
Subject: MSD and 02 Gas fumes disappearing
From: [email protected] (Stanley Phan)
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1994 21:04:27 -0800 (PST)
Before, I had this big discussion on 02 Gas fumes. The primary
consensus was that it came from blow by gases under hard/high rpm
Well I just wanted to let people know, that an MSD unit can help.
I installed a MSD-6AL unit over the weekend...and wow what a
difference it made!! Not only was performance...idle, cold starts,
and all out revving/engine smoothness & power improved...gas fumes
over 4K RPM seemed to have
gone away. 90% gone, I would say. Just last week, I was choking my
self anytime I punched my 02 past the 4K line.
This whole effect can probably be attributed to the fuel mixture burning
much more thouroughly...and thus burning somewhat cleaner. As result, less
potent fumes to smell inside the car.
I'm definitely glad my MSD unit is up and running again!
(New location behind the front headlight...nice and cool there!)
- -Stanley Phan
'72 2002.