3 series coupe windows ice problem
Subject: 3 series coupe windows ice problem
From: "S.J.Metcalfe" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 15:17:12 GMT
John in Bonny Scotland wrote:-
>My 3 series coupe has the normal frameless doors in which the window
>seals against a rubberish door frame liner. Yesterday was the first
>really heavy frost of the winter and when I opened the door the
>window didn't really want to lower itself the normal 4mm to allow the
>door to open.
We havn't (yet!) had any frost this year, but I think if you look through
your handbook you'll see that they mention a glycerine solution to be
applied to the rubber which should help if not cure your problem. Think
I'll get some in myself.
Stuart Metcalfe email [email protected]
Daresbury Laboratory phone 925 603521
Warrington fax 925 603416
England '95 318iS coupe