
A WWW interface to the BMW-Mailing list

WebForum-Sender: (Afzal Ballim) <[email protected]>
WebForum-Reference: http://issco_www.unige.ch/WebForum/

I have been working on a WWW interface to this mailing list and would
like to have people's opinion of it.

You can view (but not post) by connecting to


and follow Local Forums to BMW. When asked for a username and password,
give "guest" as user, with "guest" as password.

If people like the interface, and Richard has no objections, I will
activate the interface. You must register with me, however, to use it.

Afzal Ballim                 | Internet: [email protected]
ISSCO, University of Geneva  | X400: S=afzal;OU=divsun;O=unige;
54 route des Acacias         |       PRMD=switch;ADMD=arcom;C=ch
CH-1227 GENEVA (Switzerland) | UUCP: mcvax!cui!divsun.unige.ch!afzal
Tel: +41/22/705 71 12        | FAX: +41/22/300 10 86
http://issco_www.unige.ch/   | http://issco_www.unige.ch/WebForum
``I'm not artificially intelligent, I just work that way.''