
Re: bmw-digest V2 #106

% From: [email protected] (Joe Chou) Date: Fri, 2
% Dec 1994 11:09:39 +0500 Subject: E36 rim on E28 car

% Hi guys,

% 	I remember sometime ago, someone on the list were
% talking about 	you can take the rim from E36 to a E28 car (87
% 535IS), 	can any one verify that, and 	I'm trying to get
% myself out of the TRX, is there any 	other rim that I can
% use, any help is appreciated.

It won't work.

According to the MOMO and BBS guides the hub center on an E36 is smaller
than that of the 5,6,7 and E30 M3 cars.

You  should be able to take tires/rims off any of the later and put
them on your car but an E36 wont' work as far as I know.

/* "There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors and   */
/*  no slave that has not had a king among his." ----     Helen Keller */
/*  Kent L. Shephard  ----- K. L. Shephard Consulting                  */