Charging/Storing Batteries
Subject: Charging/Storing Batteries
From: "Kennedy Simon" <[email protected]>
Date: 27 Nov 1994 11:36:00 U
The BMW manual recommends disconnecting the battery when storing a car, and
points out that you may need to keep the battery on a trickle charger as
it'll die much more quickly when it's not being used. I'm going to go ahead
and buy an 'intelligent' charger which only trickle charges when neccesary;
is there any good reason to still disconnect the battery? It's a minor
nuisance to have to re-enter radio codes, etc., and I'd rather not be
bothered (lazy? me?).
Regarding Steve's, and others, comments about the list: I've noticed a real
decline in 'interesting' (to me) posts lately, but personally I've always
been on the digest version. My mailer (on my Mac) is too braindead to
classify and file incoming mail, and I found the volume form the list to be
way too high when mixd with all my work related mail. I heartily second his
remarks about the value of the list, even for yuppie scum such as myself who
have cars with warranties; it's still a great source of fascinating
information, and many thanks to the core of actually knowledgeable people who
provide so much assistance (and the occasional chip 8-) to the rest of us.