Post-guibo report
Subject: Post-guibo report
From: [email protected] (Garrett McWilliams)
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 14:10:49 +0500
It works!!
The car feels _totally_ different. No vibration, a smoothness I haven't ever
felt, none of the slop I hadn't realized was even there. I'm so damned
excited I think I'm going to...well, never mind.
However, this is after a _nightmare_ getting the part. Whoever said on the last
digest that UPS can track a package is dead wrong. Only if the shipper puts
a 75-cent-extra-charge special tracking number on it. I'm actually not even
sure if the thing got shipped out the first time, so the mail order company
may be pulling my chain saying it's UPS's fault. This is someplace in New
England, not Bavarian Auto, from whom I have always ordered in the past and
had nothing but
excellent quick service, but this other place was $5 cheaper...and forced a
major change in my Thanksgiving holiday plans.
But the car feels _great_.
83 533i 179k ...on its way soon...
Btw, my rotor bolts always come off easily. Knock on wood :-)