Subject: 325ix
From: [email protected] (Barry Wellman)
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 13:37:55 -0500 (EST)
To Doug who wondered why 325iX's don't/didn't sell well.
Put simply, the 325iX is the most sensible car ever invented for those
who live in the snowbelt. It drives well on the street, I haven't
needed snows in the winter (in Toronto!) and its 4-wheel drive & engine
braking gives it some track advantages. (it is a bit heavier & may
turn a bit wider.)
I have never had any trouble with it that is iX related. (And not much
trouble in general.) I keep wondering about the future, especially as
I recall reading that the front driveshaft takes a dangerous route.
So why didn't it sell? Here's my .02
Overpriced. In Toronto, it was $5K more than a normal 325. That's a
big jump, although if you don't get extra snows & wheels, you make a
chunk of that back immediately.
Wrongly targeted: Until 1990, these cars were accessory loaded, aimed
at very rich skiers (I guess), making them even more overpriced.
Finally, in 1990, BMW unloaded them, providing cheaper (& better)
cloth seats, etc. (No flames please, leather freaks.)
My suggestion: If you can get one at a reasonable price, enjoy!
- --
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Barry Wellman [email protected] 8-)
1990 325iX