
Re-send of Who's Who correction -- Again [2]

Sorry that I have to post this to the list in addition to individuals, 
but everyone that has sent a message to me to update the Who's Who list 
since late 11/8 has had the text deleted by our UNIX system.  The 
problem is being addressed and I am not sure if it is completely 
repaired yet although a message rec'd from Alex Lee at 1:44PM seems to 
have worked. 

Therefore, I'd suggest a CC to the list since I seem to be able to 
receive the digest intact.  TIA for your patience & understanding. For 
all those on the list that will have to deal with this message -- once 
again, sorry for the inconvenience & it should only last through today 
(11/9). :( 
<[email protected]>
PS. during the hiccup, I lost 3 messages during the morning of 11/9 
from Allison Welty, <tlw?epsilon>, and I believe Chris Wrightman (?) 
- -- you will need to re-send a third time as well.