Re: power antenna problem, recommendation?
Subject: Re: power antenna problem, recommendation?
From: [email protected] (Jimmy Shrake)
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 12:03:56 -0600
>my bimmer's power antenna keeps getting stuck at 1 section. it only
>goes down completely when i'm cleaning and lubricating it
Lookaround and you will see lots of other 3-series w/ the same problem. I
think everyone I know that has one has had this problem. Perhaps this is
why the antennas are now in the rear window.
As for a solution, BMW makes some sort of rag for cleaning and lubricating
it but I'm not sure how well it works. I could not find anything that
would keep mine going. I eventually replaced it w/ a black Hirschman (sp?)
model which turned out to be quieter and worked flawlessly for the 3-4
years I had it. This would be my recommendation.