Warming up for the winter!
Subject: Warming up for the winter!
From: Ash Alyan <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 17:01:32 -0500 (EST)
Sombody was asking about his 733 overheating in traffic.. Here's my experiense..1- If you have a fan clutch check that it dosen't get lose when the
engine is hot (or stiff with a cold engine)
2- When was the last time was the coolant flushed// There could be air inside
the system if it wasn't drained right. That was my problem. I have a 85 535i
and it overheaded in traffic with the AC (didn't spit out coolant though?)
a cooling system flush cured the problem. I notice that the temp needle
goes towards the cool side more often. I ended up buyin $30 of BMW
coolant . I thought I was suckered out but I think it seems to cool the
engine better !?!? or maybe I'm just dreaming.
Now to switch gears to my question.
After changing the oil and coolant the engine noise is much much smooother
then before which made other noises more obvious (Hummm)
Around 1700 and up rpm I hear a faint ticking noise that speeds up with
the rpm. It isn't loud enough to make my worry but.. its loud enough
to bother the perfect car sense I like to have :-]
My guess was the alternator, but then no.. then I thought the
values might need adjustment (113k miles) I know the timing belt was
replaced around 80k miles and I'd hate to give to my seak spot and
take it to the dealer to tell me what I know.
Could it be ralated to the gas quality/octane used is 93 with the "Dianan"
(I can't spell the !@!@#@ thing in a hurry)..
Any leads would be hight appretiated....
85 535i 113k (Its starting to feel like a family car- scarry)