Local muffler place...
Subject: Local muffler place...
From: "Sean P. Simmen" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 94 19:49:32 EST
Hey guys! I got lots of great suggestions for local repair shops in the Northe
rn VA/ DC area. However, the repair that I thought had to do with the catalyti
c converter today proved to be the muffler. I went over a pothole and the car
instantly sounded like a drag racer. So, now I need to know which local place
specializes in muffler repair. I've heard horror stories from people about hav
ing to go back to places several times after they have installed faultyreplacem
ent mufflers. Also, if we're going to be replacing it, is there a certain kind
that may produce a more agressive tone than my boring VW sounding 318i stock o
ne? Thanks for any info! Sean