
Re: Rust Removal

>Brain Foster asked about a rust remover he could use to dip parts in.  I 
>use a product called Oxy-solv, available from Eastwood in PA.  I don't 
>have their number here at work, but maybe someone else does.  The stuff 
>is reusable to a point, does a nice job on removing surface rust, but you 
>must be careful to not leave parts in too long.  Ain't cheap, though.  I 
>think it's about $20 a gallon.  

My .02 -

I've used it also.  It works well, but ya gotta SOAK the stuff in it.
The trick of wrapping a Oxy-Soaked rag on the part didn't work.  I used
it to clean up the pieces for the sunroof on my VW Bus.

BTW - this stuff has to be available somewhere else, for a LOT less money!
It's like $10 for a quart, and $25 for a gallon!

- -- 
>> Marriage isn't a word... Its a _sentence_!
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