Rust Removal
Subject: Rust Removal
From: Colin Brace <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 08:38:00 -0500 (EST)
Per your rust removal question. If these are pot-metal (also
called "white metal") parts, I'd suggest a place in Hemmings that
specializes in this sort of thing. Not all plating/polishing
companies will touch pot metal. For steel parts, I've used a
product from Eastwood called Oxy-Solv, comes in gallon & 5 gallon
lots, you can soak the parts, or brush it on large areas. I've used
it on several projects, including my 1973 3.0s. If you want to
blast, I understand that plastic bead is the most gentle blasting
media. A friend had good luck with his XKE bonnet getting it dipped
at New England Metal Strip, who also advertise in Hemmings. If it
is real heavy, outside of cutting the rust out & replacing with new
metal, you might wish to use a 3m stripping wheel, commonly
available in hardware stores.
Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to
ask. That sounds like a neat project. I have a soft spot for the
more "unusual" cars!
Colin Brace
[email protected]