
Re: FREE commercial online access

On Wed, 19 Oct 1994 [email protected] wrote:

> Hey there,
> ... lotsa unrelated-to-BMW bullshit
> -Adam

Hey there yourself.

Since I've CC'd the BMW list, I hope I speak for many of them when I say:

You know, I was willing to put up with your endless superhypeman article
postings since a couple of them about the plant in SC were, admittedly,
quite interesting. 

BUT THIS KIND OF POSTING HAS TO STOP!! Personally, I hope Richard drops
your ass from the list and never lets you back in.  After all the recent
solicitations, as well as Richard's public warning, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!
He has worked SO hard to make this list work well, you have SOME nerve
spamming this list!!!

Adam, you are truly an arrogant, piece-of-shit, typical in-your-face
imbecile salesman.  I really hope you go away.  Forever. Why don't you get
the f*ck off this list? 

I *REALLY* hope *YOU* don't wear your seatbelt!

Richard, I think it's time to make a separate list.  I'm about ready to


p.s. Congratulations - I never had a kill file... until now.  You're the 
first entry.  You've joined the ranks of David Sternlight.
- ------------------------Mobilitaet ist Leben------------------------
Steven J. Bernstein                       Home: [email protected]
P.O. Box 11242                            Work:    [email protected]
Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA      __________   Home:     (1) 516 696 2841
- ----------------------------(oo  OO  oo)----------------------------