
All wheel drive

I just bought a BMW 325IX.  Is this car always in all wheel drive or it's
electronically distributed during slippery situations?  Also I would appreciate
any information whether good or bad about this model cars.  Mainly, where I am
most likely to have problems with.
Benjamin Dadson ( SPLIFFMAN )               AT&T:       (412) 357-7829
System Analyst		                    BITNET:     BDADSON@IUPOAK
College of Humanities & Social Science      INTERNET:   [email protected]
Indiana University of Pennsylvania          OFFICE:     115B LEONARD HALL
Indiana, PA. 15701			    VOICE MAIL: (412) 634-6660
               *                                                          *  *
	       *--- The squeaking wheel doesn't always get the grease...  *  *
               *                                                          *  *
               *--- Sometimes it gets replaced......                      *  *
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	       *--- Better Yet .  Gets fired, kicked out.......           *  *