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[alfa] AROC discussion

When the "new look and feel" of the Alfa Owner made its debut, I had a 
mixed reaction. On the one hand, I thought the articles became meatier 
and more worthwhile, and the photographs more interesting -- some I might 
actually call riveting. I also appreciated the layout and the slightly 
glossy look. (A few too many typos I can overlook.) I had actually 
stopped reading it for a few months before "the new look" because it had 
become boring. In the "new look", I have been disappointed, though, with 
the Prez's column. Month after month, this column runs to much more than 
a column, and has become what I perceive to be somewhat of a self-serving 
podium. A little more about the group and the club, please, and a little 
less about one's personal successes and acquisitions.

The AROC/vintage discussion launched by the most recent column has been 
well aired here, and I've held back to see what others had to say. I've 
seen neither of my reactions to the column, so I'll add them. One:
I don't believe it is the job of an elected president to make our 
decisions for us. (An elected prez's job is implementation.) Two: I found 
Prez Mosko's comments to be extremely sexist and elitist.

So ... "the wives" have things figured out, huh? What about the not-so-few 
of us female alfanatics who are paid, voting members in our own right? I 
offer the meager suggestion that "someone" (and I don't think it's me) 
hasn't spent much time looking at the real demographics and interests of 
the club members lately. 

I say, go ahead, step out into a new direction! Ummmm, but you go first. 
Once you've gone, I think my friends and I will go this other 

Bellevue, WA USA
the nomex is on, so fire away
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